New Look Maintenance can return your weekend to you.
You’ve worked hard all week, and the last thing you want to do on the weekend is clean the house. Imagine having one of our V.I.P. franchisees take care of your chores so that you can enjoy the rest of your weekend instead of spending it cleaning the house or feeling guilty because you know you should be doing it but just don’t want to. And why would you want to? You must have more important things to do than housework.
Instead of cleaning the house, what would you rather be doing?
Everyone and every family is different, but consider what you could do with all that free time you’ll have.
Instead of cleaning the house, what would you rather be doing?
Everyone and every family is different, but think of what you could do with all the additional time you won’t have to spend cleaning the house! It may be a family outing, lunch with the ladies, watching or playing sports, finishing that project you’ve been putting off, visiting friends, or anything else. When was the last time you just sat back, relaxed, and did nothing without feeling terrible about not cleaning the house?
Packages for house cleaning that are tailored to your needs
We can create a package that is tailored to your specific demands and budget. You can select from the following options:
Weekly cleaning service
Fortnightly cleaning service
Clean whole your house
You may only want certain areas of your home cleaned, such as the bathrooms and kitchen.
Whether you require weekly, fortnightly, or one-time cleaning, you will receive our best services.
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